Toddlers 'N Tots provides personalized care in a loving and nurturing atmosphere.
To learn more, give us a
call today!
Hours: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 months
3, 4 or 5 days a week
Are you looking for a quality childcare and early education for your infant? Turn to none other than Toddlers 'n Tots Private Preschool. The infant curriculum features a monthly theme with a plush puppet friend, storybooks and a musical CD. Parents will receive a monthly newsletter with a calendar of events as well as a daily report to document your child’s activities for each day. The infants love walks outside (weather permitting) in our beautiful four seat stroller with a canopy top.
Infants are held by their teacher and fed their bottles in a cozy rocking chair. An individual warm washcloth is used after morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack daily.
A Spacious and Safe Environment for Your Infant:
Infants enjoy exploring their room full of stimulating books, music, age-appropriate toys and activities to stimulate your infant’s curiosity and growth.
Therefore, we limit the amount of time they spend in play seats and swings.
Monthly Newsletter – parents will receive the monthly newsletter with a calendar of events.
Daily Report – to inform you of your child’s day, such as, feeding, diapering, rest time, and activities.
Hand Washing – Hands are washed when entering the classroom,
before morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack, and, when returning from the playground.
Lunch – Each child has their own high chair in the infant/toddler kitchen. Lunches are provided by the parent and can be heated in a microwave in each class.
Labels -
Please label the following items: bottles, pacifier, food, diapers and two changes of seasonal clothes
Tummy Time and Baby Gym Time includes daily stretching exercises on colorful interactive Activity Mats to stimulate large motor skills.
Mirror with the attached bar provides practice for standing as a step towards walking.
Music is played or nursery ryhmes are introduced, as well as age appropriate songs throughout the day. Music selections include Baby Einstein and classical. Teachers also interact with singing and puppets. Soothing music is played throughout nap time daily.
Small Motor Skills are developed with our numerous Stackables such as rings, shape games, puzzles, blocks and balls.
A large spacious private deck with a retractable awning provides a fun environment to enjoy the outdoors with their friends.
Safe and Stimulating Environment for Infants
Call us to learn more.
(856) 423-4242
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday thru Friday